Who Saved Café Coffee Day From Hitting Rock Bottom?

After the sudden demise of its CEO & amid mounting debts & speculations that CCD won’t survive without the founder, CCD’s fate was reshaped by Malavika Hegde; a brave wife and resolute leader on her own accord. How did she bring down the debts by 75% in 2 years despite the restrictions of the pandemic? Solely by tapping the power of strategy! In a letter to the employees, Hegde wrote that she was committed to the future of the company and believed that it was “worth preserving”. With eyes set on the future, where their debts would be reduced to a manageable level. She made strategic efforts of selling off investments, pulling the reins of expenses with prudence and quickly adapting to COVID norms for product delivery. CCD repaid debts without a single rupee haircut from lenders. Don’t you think strategy can revive the lost potential of a brand?

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